At the moment during November, we are still on our reduced opening hours of 9am to 3pm Mon to Sat and closed on a Sunday.
During December we will be open Mon to Sat 9am to 5pm and 9am to 7pm Thursdays. We have decided this year not to open on a Sunday during December but instead will open until 7pm on a Thursday evening.
When we come back after New Year we will revert back to our reduced opening times for a wee while then we can look at our opening times again for 2022.
It's a bit early just now to be wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and good New Year so we will do that nearer Christmas time, it's still November and the Christmas party starts officially for us from 1st December, that's when the festive button will get pressed haha, so enjoy the rest of November and we hope to see you during December enjoying the build up to Christmas! x